Callarse To be quiet, to be shut up Portarse bien To behave Cepillarse To brush Peinarse To comb Quejarse de To complain about Secarse To dry Desayunar To eat breakfast Dormirse To fall asleep Caerse To fall down Llevarse bien con To get along with Vestirse To get dresses Arreglarse To get ready Prepararse To get ready, to be prepare oneself Levantarse To get up Cortarse el pelo To get your hair cut Irse a To go away Acostarse To go to bed Darse prisa To hurry up Mirarse en el espejo To look at oneself in the mirror Equivocarse To make a mistake Burlarse de To make fun of Casarse con To marry, to get married with Reunirse con To meet with Portarse mal To misbehave Llevarse mal con To not get along with Pintarse ...